Tuesday, January 4, 2011

10 Good Reasons to Learn Another Language

"Everyone speaks English so why should I learn another language?" I have heard this question from people before, so I am going to give you the same answers I gave them.

1. Learning another language opens up opportunities in the world market that you might not have otherwise. Whatever your career goals may be, it can’t hurt to know another language, on the contrary many employers not only reward an employee that has language skills, many require it for certain positions. 

2. It allows you to learn more about your native language. Knowing another language can actually help you have a stronger vocabulary and a better understanding of your native language. It enhances learning skills and memory.

3. You are better equipped to adapt to a rapidly changing world. It helps you to have a global understanding of different cultures ideas and in turn gives you an advantage.  

4. It helps your cognitive learning abilities. Knowing another language helps in learning, problem solving,  and doing better in school in general. Students that know another language tend to score higher on standardize tests. Children who have studied another language at the elementary level do better in reading, language, math, in their native language. They are more creative in general and have higher conceptualizing skills.

5. It improves your chances of getting into the college of your choice. Knowing another language can give you an advantage when it comes to applying to the college or university you wish to attend. It can make you a more competitive applicant even for graduate school. 

6. An appreciation of learning new languages can help you to value international music, movies, and literature. So many wonderful cultural opportunities abound for those that can experience other languages, even if you do not speak them all. The original language of the art form is beautiful, and understanding it in the language it was written in is preferred to the translated version, because you may not get the full flavor, style, or uniqueness of the piece.

7. It gives you options to study abroad. The competition to be considered for a study abroad position can be intense, and knowing more than one language can help tremendously. Even the willingness to learn another language or study in a country that does not speak English can be a benefit toward studying abroad. 

8. It helps make lifelong friends that you might not otherwise have made when you meet people that speak a different language than you. Establishing connections with other language speakers whether through business, travel, or studies can lead to wonderful friendships.

9. Knowing to speak another language will make travel so much easier and fun. Knowing even a few phrases can be very helpful when you travel to another country. Most people appreciate the fact that you tried to learn their language and are more willing to help when they see you have cared enough to learn about their language before you came to visit their country.

10. It can open up understanding of yourself and your own culture. It truly opens the door to learning more of your own culture by not limiting your perspective. Intercultural experiences help give a better awareness and appreciation of your life.

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